Jul 31Liked by Alicia Thompson

book title maybe next week 👀👀👀👀

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felt cute, might reveal later lol

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I understand this came out one month ago exactly. However, I have been meaning to respond to this for one month BECAUSE.......maybe you AREN'T a leo moon! This astrologer I like named Heidi Rose Robbins sometimes like......rejects people's reported birth times because it doesn't match the person's personality!!! To save time...maybe just assume if you met with her she'd reject your leo moon and choose to bravely continue a virgo mooon! Realize I'm comong across as insane xoxo

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man I do all this INNER WORK to make peace with my leo moon and you hit me with this!! jk jk - I will have to check out Heidi Rose Robbins' work!

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Explosions in the Sky are great! They occupy this early 2000s Godspeed You Black Emperor-adjacent space in my brain that is very nostalgic. And you encapsulated so much of the emotional mythos side of baseball fandom (not that I know much about it but it seems like people get very emotional about baseball in particular! Which is a good thing). I love that you edited out Randy getting traded to save Chris some heartache. Yeah we’re supposed to torture our characters but not THAT much lol.

!!! about finding out your birth time/moon sign!

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I didn't even get into my RISING, Sarah, which has me really reeling!!! I don't know myself at all! But yes, Explosions in the Sky are amazing and baseball does inspire lots of passion from its fans for sure!

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The moon/rising thing is a whole astrological universe that I never knew existed until a couple years ago!!

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Leo Moons are the best! We are funny, dramatic, splurgy, and here for a big time. I'm otherwise introverted so I think it's the only thing that gets me out the door. Someone on Threads said they'd never known a Leo Moon who wasn't hot :)

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ooooh okay maybe a Leo moon DOES sound like me lol. (In that I aspire to be funny and hot, but don't know about the other stuff. But yes, I do need SOMETHING to get me away from total introversion, so maybe a Leo moon is it!)

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Jul 31Liked by Alicia Thompson

I did SO much trade-related "sympathetic noise"ing this week. I'll admit I don't actually like, listen to the details. But at one point it ended with "I bet your friend who likes the Rays is mad," so, condolences from my husband lol

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oooof when I can even seven degrees of kevin bacon my way through condolences, you KNOW it's bad

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Jul 31Liked by Alicia Thompson

Every time I see Willy Adames mentioned in one of your newsletters, my dumb brain reads it as Willie Aames and I go down a Charles in Charge-related wormhole.

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Jul 31Liked by Alicia Thompson

My husband is a huge Explosions in the Sky fan. I was always cool with them, but didn't listen much. Well, we went to see them live and holy shit. There was a moment during an extended song where the music swelled so dramatically, was so loud, was so propulsive, I spontaneously started crying. I don't remember ever having music move me to tears in that way before or since.

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ahhh I love hearing about this experience! there really is something so powerful about their music and I can see how it would hit different live. it's the PERFECT editing music, in my opinion, because it gets me feeling big emotions but also allows me to focus. (I can write with lyrics, but I can't edit with lyrics! Isn't that weird?)

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sad to lose you from our virgo ranks 🫡

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you are not comforting me!!!!

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unfortunately being comforting is not in the virgo skillset

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Jul 31Liked by Alicia Thompson

I feel your pain on the baseball trades. Or just not resigning a player you love. I'm all about the Braves and definitely felt the pain losing Freddie Freeman. But that goes even further back to when they let Glavine and Maddux go. Now I'm just sitting here hoping they manage to resign Max Fried.

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I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Those rough trades never leave you.

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