Jun 13Liked by Alicia Thompson

What is the podcast that you're listening to about the O.J. Simpson trial called? Both the Bronco chase and his trial are forever burned into my memory; my dad was retired by then and he and my mom would discuss the televised trial at dinner in great detail. I find the entire situation to be endlessly fascinating and have since read Jeffrey Toobin's "Run for His Life: The People vs. O.J. Simpson" as well as watched the American Crime Story miniseries adaptation of it and O.J.: Made in America.

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I have also read/watched all of those because I, too, find any discussion of the trial and that time very interesting! One of my favorite series of podcast episodes (although they never did finish -- like I think they may have only made it up to the Bronco chase lolol) was the You're Wrong About series on the case. The one I was listening to while writing this newsletter was a single episode of the Casual Criminalist, which won't tell you anything new if you're already well familiar with the case (as it sounds like we both are) but which was a good summary and is generally a podcast I enjoy.

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You're Wrong About did do an episode on the Bronco chase as well as 6 about the trial! Somehow I only listened to the first trial episode and missed the rest; I'll have to catch up on those as well as check out Casual Criminalist. I don't always love true crime, but sometimes the right cases really hook me. Thanks for the information!

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That trial was definitely a major moment in history. It’s interesting to hear how it impacted your family discussions at the time.

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Jun 12Liked by Alicia Thompson

I love that you shared your print shop story, because isn't that the dream, to have someone you can just say "you're the expert, tell me what to do" to when you're overwhelmed and then it all works out. I'm also very impressed that you're keeping with biking even through the summer; I'm definitely just hibernating May-October.

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yes, that is what I always want exactly!!! (and is part of the story of the bike and the money I spent on it, because I went to a bike shop and was like, this is what I want to do, you tell me, and I KNEW it was going to cost money but I was like fuck it!!!)

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Oh, that 2016 summer, the Pulse, the rise of TFG, Philando Castile -- I felt like I would wake up, turn my phone on, and just cry and cry. (Good on you on the bike, by the way!)

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It was a rough summer, and the year kinda went downhill from there. But thank you for reading, and for the encouragement re the bike!

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Jun 12Liked by Alicia Thompson

My younger child was born a couple days before the end of 2016, so it feels like I should have happy feelings associated with the year, but it is mostly just crying!!

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